Our airfield
Old Allied Map Today's ICAO chart view from above
This airfield is pure armaments conversion! After three quarters of a century in the military, flights are only flown here for joy and life, hopefully never again with the will to kill!
At the Neuruppin glider airfield, together with our partner association, the Aviation Technology Association Spandau 1924 e.V. our flight operations mainly with winch starts. This type of start is also offered in every season to maintain the aircraft towing authorizations.
Postal address
: Segelfluggelände, Hugo Eckener Ring 70, 16816 Neuruppin,
Telephone number (during flight operations)
: 0162 4795696
"Neuruppin glider flight" on 132.740 MHz
GPS coordinates:
E 12 ° 46 '42' ', N 52 ° 56' 35 ''